List Loaded Files R←5176⌶Y

The editor may be used to edit Dyalog script files (.dyalog files) and general text files and to save the contents in the workspace. Additionally ⎕FIX can be used to fix scripts held in files. This I-Beam returns a list of all of the files which are associated with objects in the workspace, together with information about each file.

Y may be any value.

R is a vector of vectors, one element per associated file. Each element is a 5 element vector:

Element Contains
1 File name
2 Encoding
3 Checksum
4 Newline
5 Flags

Encoding, newline and flags are defined the same as for ⎕NGET. See File Encodings. Checksum is an 8-character hexadecimal value, see GetBuildID for more information.


clear ws
      ('' '' (8⍴'0') ⍬ 0)≡⊃5176⌶''
      dyalog←2 ⎕NQ '.' 'GetEnvironment' 'DYALOG' 
      ⎕FIX 'file:///',dyalog,aedit

      1↓⊃5176⌶⍬      ⍝ Ignore filename
 UTF-8-BOM  18507aa6  13 10  0